How to Do Thanksgiving different this year
Are you tired of cooking the most decadent Thanksgiving feast all by yourself? How about cleaning your entire house from top to bottom? Are you sick of feeling like you and your whole family need to look perfectly Instagramable to sit in your dining room and eat food until you pass out on the couch? Do you dream of being able to just let Thanksgiving be another day with food, family, and thanks?
Us too.
That's why we created this guide to doing Thanksgiving a little bit differently this year.
Ready to learn how to take back Thanksgiving like a boss? Keep reading to learn more.
It’s Okay To Say “NO”
Our #1 Rule of thumb when it comes to taking back the holidays is accepting that it’s okay (and encouraged) to say “no” to plans that you don’t want to attend. If you don’t want to go to that big friendsgiving because you’re simply too tired after a long day of work, then don’t go. It is important to know that you can say no to things that don't serve you in a positive way. That way, you can rest, recharge, and show up for the events that you DO want to attend.
“No is a complete sentence.”
Go Easy on Yourself
If you’re someone who has a million things to do to prepare for the big day, we challenge you to take a step back.
Look at your to-do list.
How much of it do you really want to do? Will the world come to a screeching halt if one or two tasks don’t get done? Probably not.
So, cross off the things that deep down, you know are going to be too much to tackle by yourself.
Ask someone else to help you out with those items.
It is so easy to forget to take a break when the holidays come around…
Remember, you do NOT need to do everything.
Your name is not Martha Stewart.
She went to jail. Just sayin’
Determine What is Within Your Control
During Thanksgiving, you might feel like you’re biting off more than you can chew
(pun intended - Gobble - Til - You - Wobble) because you want to make sure that everything is done right, or at least to your standards. This might cause you to feel unnecessary stress. Therefore, it might be easier to give up a little bit of control for the sake of your well-being. You can’t control other people or situations, but you can control yourself.
Grandma Gurdy is just not going to be impressed, even if you iron the sh*t out of your napkins.
Keep your expectations of others' reactions and opinions in check. They’re allowed to love the turkey or hate it. Neither means anything about your worth as a person!
So if you’re feeling burnt out, overstimulated, or exhausted… let go of control.
Your mind and body will thank you.
Remember to be Thankful
Thanksgiving is a time to think about all that you have to be grateful for. We encourage you to take a moment or two to reflect on your life and all the things you have to be thankful for.
Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving from us to you!